i want big mushroommmmmmm ....oooooooooooooooooooo @_@

i want the big silver/gold/white bear at the back tooooo @_@

the above machine ur meant to get them small toys right.. friend kept going for the huge ass ones lol.. and he got 2 of them!!! we had to get the staff person to unjam the claws like all the time tho hehhe.. they got stuck on the big toy hehe..

we saw some kids walking up the street with this toy.. i guessed it was from capitol skilltesters.. turns out i was right.. so hard to win though :( my friend really like it hehe..

went to dinner at a jap restaurant in qvb.. after 1.5hrs of walking around finding a place.. =_=
was ok.. we were buggered as.. pic is of the wall.. it was a shiny gold umbrella like material.. cool effect on the display wall :)

cupcakes friend had.. hehe so pretty.. from pitt st cupcakes i think :)
art displays and for sale at kinokuniya.. i like the skate deck and the black n white pics.. same artist.. sooo nice @_@ i like that style :D