Never been to one of these.. but since friend is in one of them and i had nothing else planned i went to have a look see :D
Band comp and Dance group comp.
was interesting to say the least.. tho quite small.. bit lame in some areas =\
2 jap bands.. didnt understand what they sang but yea.. rock group type.. lots of screaming and noise.. =_=
dressed in jap styles too.. and dyed hair n makeup etc..
Zero Gravity was an interesting band.. similar to current songs out now on radio.. their original songs were ok too..
most of the bands played original songs composed by themselves..
my friends band :D made up of 3 solo artists... definately a different sound compared to all the rock bands in the comp..
and they won!!! ^_________^ congratumalations!!!! :D

T2IS from Dancekool won the dance group
they had small prizes and silly games with the audience between each performance.. each band performed about 3-4 songs each.. mostly original..
winners were voted by the audience.
Band comp and Dance group comp.
was interesting to say the least.. tho quite small.. bit lame in some areas =\
2 jap bands.. didnt understand what they sang but yea.. rock group type.. lots of screaming and noise.. =_=
dressed in jap styles too.. and dyed hair n makeup etc..


Zero Gravity was an interesting band.. similar to current songs out now on radio.. their original songs were ok too..
most of the bands played original songs composed by themselves..

my friends band :D made up of 3 solo artists... definately a different sound compared to all the rock bands in the comp..
and they won!!! ^_________^ congratumalations!!!! :D

T2IS from Dancekool won the dance group
they had small prizes and silly games with the audience between each performance.. each band performed about 3-4 songs each.. mostly original..
winners were voted by the audience.
some much needed celebratory dessert and coffee/tea were eaten after the comp with friends from the winning band ;)
hehe yumm.. bit cold.. but still yum :P