decided to try out the laser skirmish too cause ive never been ;)
was ok.. not as fun as paintball but.. so many kids just running/walking around shooting each other..
bloody kids that camp behind boxes and shoot ppl from their hiding spots =_=
then i joined farewell persons dinner in parra.. really popular restaurant ... hav to book.. packed out... nice food.. bit chilly.. i was full from all the rice n water to make the food less chilli =_=

then we headed to passionflower for dessert.. hehe.. yum.. man.. all we did was eat eat eat.. so full
was freezing.. so my friends showed me this new hangout place in the city :D pretty cool..
korean place where u order drinks..and hire board games by the hour :D
Norita Cafe, Level 2, 77 Liverpool St, Sydney
cluedo was abit harder.. too much to think about since it was getting late lol
still very fun but :D