so i decided to go city to surf again this yr.. for fun.. as i have been neglecting my exercise lately..
doesnt help that its so cold here in winter.. and raining lately..
jogged and walked the 14kms again.. did pretty good time wise i reckon :D
we started late at the back of the pack.. then finished under 2hrs :D hehe weeee
then we wondered alll over the beach looking for my friends company tent =_= of course it was the last one we found.. had some soft serve cone dipped in choc on the way ;) hehe
had some food.. salads.. chicken..
then it started pouring =_=.. man it was freezing.. when we started to leave.. i didnt want to wait in the ridiculously long ass line for the free bus to the city =_=
we really do have shit transportation organising...
so we walked to the nearest train station.. which was another 30min walk i think.. havent google mapped it yet :P
man.. have not sat down or bent my legs that way since i got out of the car..
finally made it to the station.. got back in the car in the city.. and went home
oh man.. my legs hurt so much right now =_= .... my butt hurts.. my thighs hurt.. my calves, feet, lower back, shoulder hurts

if i go next yr.. must bring a warmer jacket.. or get a lift organised from the finish line..
and those cool drink backpacks hhehe..
oh yea.. saw some interesting costumes :D
kids in fluro clothing.. meh..
kids with cardboard cars ..
a stack of star wars soldiers.. those white ones with hard helmets :D
hmm saw a chicken and a unicorn costume..
some fat sumo costumes..
a jail person... bright orange jumpsuit hehe..
saw some plumbers... in overalls.. polo shirts.. with mops and buckets..
few super heroes.. and cancer foundation people.. hehe.. 2 guys in black skins with pink rubber gloves and pink undies and pink sunnies hehe..