Monday, February 4, 2013

Adriano Zumbo Salted Caramel Macarons

Came across the Adriano Zumbo Macaroon Premix in Coles last weekend
I picked up the Salted Caramel Macaron mix on sale for $6.20
(I assume the pricing normally will be same as the Donna Hay ones around $8)

They also have Zumbo:
Passionfruit Macaron
Choc Mud Mirror Cake
Chocolate Brownies

Product Pictures and helpful Video Instructions are also on his website

Comes with 2 Piping bags (one for macaron, one for filling)
and a circle for drawing onto the baking sheets to get the correct piping macaron sizes
macaron mix
caramel filling mix
almond mix

 i had to check a few videos to see how much the whites had to be whipped
it should be of marshmellow consistancy where if you shake the beater it wont fall off
 leave to settle for 10mins
 and bake for about 18mins
first time I've made these which turned out perfect :D
 my macarons with filling
yum :D