Monday, February 20, 2012

kitty post

we took the kitten to the vet last week to get the vaccine shots and check up

we have decided to name the kitten Milo hehe
i got it from Milo and Otis randomly :)

turns out the kitten is a boy....
and he is healthy at 2 months of age with a few fleas which were easy to take care of :)

hes starting to look abit thinner as he's growing.. but yea hes still got his milk belly :P

he sticks to his mum alot more now too. follows and copies mum everywhere hehe

hes able to jump pretty high and far now too @_@ he can jump a foot in length
across the garden and such :P

hes learnt to climb up the flyscreen door too...
we can see where some places on the screen has ripped...