Sunday, August 2, 2009

hk 2009 - part 8

it ballooned once freshly cooked

then shrank as it cooled down :P

yum veggies

pig trotter

cool lift for elderly.. in some doctors shop i think

icey drink .. hanging with friends before i left

ramen with friends

cute cow stuff at book store :D

traditional hk milk tea.. chalky aftertaste tho =\

yum .. fresh pineapple bun

cat shop

some mix drink my friend asked for

fruit punch

hanging at the bar chiling

some mixed drink.. quite light n nice

andy lau

jackie chan

at star walk

LV building

peking duck.. friends show me how to make it look nice =p

expensive quail n sharkfin soup.. somethign liek that

meant to be well known for pecking duck.. but was so so..

pet beds :D

dessert soup place

maccas do takeaway!! @_@

cool armour ring i finally found :D yay.. with help from friends ;)
very funky :D