love freebies hehehe
colleague had free invite to premiere of the new 007 ^________^
passed it onto me as they thought it was only for 1 person and it was during work hrs =\
i tested it out and got a friend to go with me.. and it worked!!
so i passed it around the office heheh..
yay for freebies :D
free fingerfood n drinkies when we got there too ;) awesome..
then wen we went in.. it was the newer cinemas.. bigger seats.. very nice :D one of the larger cinemas..
and we all got free popcorn, drink n icecream!! hhehe
soooo happy ^___^
and no ads before the movie ;)
movie was so-so =\ i dont remember the last one since this is sort of a follow on story..
i just remember he wanted revenge for his gf..
lots of action n running around.. not really any nice cars..
no gadgets.. seemed more like its his personal vendetta then a secret agent thing ..
didnt really get the story besides there being a bad guy n that..
was dissapointed in the no nice cars and no cool gadgets :(