Friday, February 22, 2008

horoscope and astrology

a kindly indian colleague of mine at work has offered to read my fortune from their indian astrology thingy :D hehe

i find that stuff interesting.. if you believe it or not is up to you.. but yea.. doesnt hurt to hear whats possible :)

he needed my birth date, time of birth as well as where i was born.

this is because the astrology he reads depends on the starsigns as well as the location of the planets and the sun.

anyhoo, he started to mention some dates from my past to reconfigure the most accurate time of my birth as the birth certificate's time of birth maybe slightly off (by the time the doctor washed his hands and wrote it down.)

he started giving me dates on when i started working, when i changed jobs.. what my mum and dad are like.. quite intersting how detailed he could get for somethings..

if the dates he mentioned were slightly off, i'd tell him so he can move the dates around abit.

he also mentioned when i went through rough times in my past, but the past being through my high school as well as uni years, it is quite hard for me to remember specifically what i was doing on a certain month in a certain year back then :P

he did mention i went through a rough time or someone failed me from 1997 - 2001.. or i had expectations that were not met.. this is around my high school to uni time so yea i reckon watever it was .. it affected my hsc scores lol

he also mentioned my health, to which he said i have digestive problems, bone or skeletal and skin problems which i should keep an eye on since it will affect me in future.
i know my chinese doc has mentioned that i have bad digestive problems, and there may have been an accident in my past or incident leading to bone fracture or damage..

i am to refrain from eating chicken, or bird meat (bye bye quail) as well as eggs.

he mentioned a 5 year range of when i had my last serious relationship or well... when i had thought the relationship will be long term leading to marriage.

my last relationship did meet that range so it was interesting :)

funny thing was the first thing he mentioned was that i am a good singer.. lol.. i was like err.. yea.. i think im average.. and he mentions that i must sing often or i enjoy it.. to which i reply was yes.. i go karaoke often at friends birthdays lol

my father was mentioned to be quite smart.. helps the poor.. and specialised in what he does.

this to some degree is quite accurate as my father is a specialist consultant...

my mother was suposedly used to be quite pretty.. now i dunno about that as mum is just mum to me and from her old photos i see a resemblance to what she looks like now :)

it was also mentioned that my mum has been more proactive in taking care of herself and her body since july last year.

not sure if thats when mum started yoga but yea.. its been 1 or 2 years :P

hmmm i think he also said that mum likes to help others? like babysitting for example.. not sure bout that one :P

hmm he could tell that mum job is administrative and she takes care of facing customers and accounts n all that.. since she does help my dad i reckon thats true to a point :)

he then asked bout my sister too but didnt say much about it.

hmmm ok down to the interesting stuff :P hehe

mentions that i will change jobs in feb next year ;) that should b interesting..

i am to be married either in this year or in 4 years time.

this year has high probability of me getting a partner.

i should be married before 2010 or something liek that.

i will have 2 kids.. 1 boy and 1 girl :D heheh thats cool hehe

my husband is of a middle management type of business job.. really caring n nice character
has a really nice car ( hahah with that im not sure what would be defined as a 'really nice car' to a horoscope)
he will be a sweet talker.. hahah.. aiya.. but i have an idea what kind of guys i like so i guess this fits the profile :P
he will be very smart - which i think is good :)

hmm there has been a potential i may have been thinking of in the last 2 months..
that is surprising :P most recent info i heard so far hehe (to some degree i do have someone in mind)

hmm he saw something in my horoscope saying i have trouble sleeping so he asked if i had trouble sleeping.. i reckon it depends if im thinking as i sleep hehe.. thinking alot equals no sleep =\

hmm a guru is mentioned also. i am to have a spiritual guild or guru to look up to or believe in and to learn from after i turn 32 .. this will change my way of life and also affects my luck after i turn 32.
this guru can be my partner, parents, or friends. i have to have some sort of belief .. even if its not religious.. maybe spritual.

the guru may also be someone i confide in.

hmm i have a better lifestyle outside the country where i was born.. this is true since ive moved here and lived here most of my life :)

he could see the date when my eyesight started getting bad (as i wear glasses and have done so for most of my life) around 1986 lol.. i definately dont remember that far back exactly..
he reckons i can fix it tho with meditation or something? im uncertain about it.

he sees me as not working for long..

hmm i am to be some sort of consultant or have my own business .. or somehow im not workign for someone else so to speak..

hehe not working long? thats always good to hear hehe :P

my lifestyle will change after 2010 but then if i am to be married or have kids after then .. then i assume its normal that lifestyle will change.

also i am to pay attention to myself on wednesdays around the 6-7pm time slot as i tend to misunderstand or disagree or get angry at that time which affects my thinking and actions..

hmm what else was there..

dont remember right now but i willl update when it comes to me :)
i can ask him questions if i want answers to certain things like choices or decisions hehe

very intersting reading tho hehe ^__________^

i thought i'd note it down before i forget.. and refer back in future to see if it came true hehe :)

now to look for my future husband to be :P hehehe