Friday, August 10, 2007

The Aftermath

After the dancing etc, i caught up with a friend and we went to play pool heheh ...
i guess i was lucky that night =P

i dont play pool very often.. and if u see me play, i rely on luck more then skill hehe XD

i won!! bwahahhahahaha.. by 1 ball =P hehe.. and my friend being a guy.. i had to rub it in ;) hehehe =P
after that i retired back to my room =P

morning we had to go breakfast quickly and pack before the buses left. SLept on the bus for most of the way =P

back at work now =D

gotta catch up on work .. so buggered tho.. =_=" didnt get much sleep cause of unusual surroundings.. i kept waking in the middle of the night =(
so yea.. hoping to leave early today ;)

got a hectic weekend ahead of me =)