congratumalations to kez n sam ^_____________^
my first official wedding that ive been to :) good to catch up with some people i hadnt seen in years..
day started rainy where we were all huddled under the pegoda where the nuptuals were to be held..
by the time the bride arrived.. the words were spoken.. and tears cried.. the sun came out :D
we were at a location near a beach.

afterwards we went to a restaurant near by
where the guestbook was signed, gifts given.. speaches.. dancing.. more tears n laughter.. and some funny games :)

this one was the game where the bride was blindfolded and she had to go around to each of the 10guys volunteered for this game .. for her to grab their asses n see if she could guess which was her husbands...
was hilarious to say the least.. where the guy guys were against the wall.. police frisking styles :P
and the twist was... the groom and his friend who came in scottish attire full with tartan skirt and matching tie... they had swapped outfits hehehe

the bride was quite smart tho.. she recognised her hubbys pants.. and that he didnt wear belts.. but yea.. she was confused as she recognised the pants.. but she liked the butt that was in the skirt.. lol "the bum feels nice.. but it cant be him cause its in a skirt" hehehe

she cheated just a little tho.. hehe she recognised the pants and she felt for the persons head to see if it was her hubby since her hubby has a shaven head..
the most memorable part to me was the speeches..
they were some touching speeches from the bride n grooms closest family and friends:(some tears n laughter too)
brides best friend - remembering the bride referring to the groom when they first met as " just like the guy from "prison break".. but from supre" (ahahahahahha)
grooms best friend - touching speech about how the groom is now the brides problem instead of the best friend having to always save the groom from being locked out of his apartment lol.. earning a friend instead of losing one...
groom's sister - a short timeline from the grooms growing up from age 4 to age 21 (then she moved out so she doesnt know) starting with a kid.. that becomes popular.. then smart... and being the perfect guy.. 'the golden child'.. then the last words.. "congratulations to the bride.. you have married the chosen one" lol