got to go to a recording of good news week :D

the setup was great! .. the wait was long.. =\ waited for ages.. before we finally got to go in..
then took about 1.5 hrs to do the 2nd episode recording...
some parts were funny tho most of it got abit tiresome as we had to laugh and clap at pretty much everything that the host and comedians said or did....
we were starving once they finished the 1st episode so we left to go eat.. we've been hungry since we lined up to go watch this thing :P
it was still an interesting experience tho.. seeing how its been done and all that :)
this was held in the ABC studios .. where we were lining up outside the studios, they had this huge Jemima and Big Ted stuff toys from play school above the wall of tvs .. also had a big gold man statue like the ones that are given out on awards next to the door.