was an ok movie.. not very good or bad... tho quite popular..
had its jumpy-in-the-dark moments.. i found the ending abit weird tho?
anyhoo.. this is about a virus that spread over new york. they closed the island off from the outside world as people started getting this contagious virus as it was an air born virus. the bridges to this island was cut off as the virus spread. (ie. blown up)
will smith plays the lone survivor in this movie as he trains himself to be fit and gathers foods, petrol etc by day and hides at home at night from these creatures that the virus has turned these infected humans into, that feed on flesh.
will smith hopes to find survivors as he feels he is alone in the world.
he tries to find a cure for this virus that was created by man.
u'll have to watch it to find out the ending urself :)