a pretty good girly movie :D
the main character (pictured in poster) is a PA for her boss who she has a major crush on.
shes used to organising everything for everyone.
she has been a bridesmaid 27 times and always ends up being the person that organises the wedding for her friends.
her little sister is back in town who turns out to be interested in the main character's boss. they start going out and gets engaged which the main character isnt too happy about but being the nice person she is.. she backs down and watches her sister get together with her boss.
meanwhile the main character meets this guy at one of the weddings she was at and he starts to point out a few things and wonders why the main character never says no and go do her own thing instead of doing things for everyone else.
quite a good girly flick with its laughs.. and i reckon the 2 main guys are hot ;) hehe
wont ruin the ending so watch it urself :P