Monday, January 23, 2012

more kitty pics

few things happened in the last week or so.

the baby went missing for 2 days where mummy cat had relocated the baby away from the public
(turned out they relocated behind the back shed)

we eventually found her.. thank god.
we were scared she was stolen or starving somewhere by herself

took more pics now since it seems kitten has grown up more while she was missing for 2 days :P

the mother cat brought home a small mouse at night that she had hunted at one point =_=
ewwwww.. she went n showed the baby too.. yick
told fiance to get rid of the dead mouse..
incase it carried any diseases that affect the baby
it was about 1inch long for the mouse body length. pretty small

been trying to start baby on normal mushy food
she ate out of my fingers once (she also attempted to eat my fingers..she has alot of teeth)
and she eventually started eating out of the dish.
but alas i have not been able to get her to eat again since then.

kitten having fun in her new larger play pen thats caged off
but she still has fun hiding behind the metal poles
and climbing up and down the pole legs.

(we have metal frames leaning on the wall where the new backyard makeshift pen is for the cats)

the baby is more brown now like her mum
less grey as per the earlier photos

all the really cute pics are blurry :(

 looks like mum is tickling her heheheh

the baby has been quite cheeky playing with mum.. with claws out.. (she doesnt know how to retract them just yet).. and she'll be clawing at mums face =___=""
then mum proceeds to wrestle with her and sit on her hehehe