ella cakes in hurstville.. very yum.. hehe.. green tea and red bean cake pictured.. the example LV cake is sooo cute!! my friend want one for her bday hehehe..
they have heaps of different n nice cakes.. like an ice cream mouse cake.. black seasame cake.. coffee cake.. all very light.. hmm maybe i should get into cake decorating too =P hehe

display of miniture toy cakes n sweets on display that u can buy overseas like collectors stuff..

saw this smaller gold n white bear that my friend loves XD.. we saw it.. and got some change to win this gloomy bear straight away!! heheh.. so soft.. ^_____^ .. it was in one of the more expensive harder skilltester machines with only 2 claws =\
we slooowly got it moved bit by bit to get it out of the damn machine.. and boy do i mean bit by bit =_= .. every time it picked up the toy.. it would drop it like.. an inch closer to the opening.. !_)@#$(!_@)(... finally got it but =D weeee

i tried to make a low fat cheese cake.. with low fat cream cheese n butter etc.. but yea.. i accidentally spilled half the ingredients =_= so this is wat it turned out like... cheese cake with no egg yolk... wasnt as fluffy as my 1st try which was nicer.. tasted abit salty.. and very strong cheese taste..

1 hr drive to paintball .. got up before sunrise =\
alot of groups of people there in the morning.. so they combined like 3 groups of people into 2 teams to play each other.. every1 was split up into 2 groups..
went to the same paintball place i went to earlier this yr for work.. so i did recognise some of the fields we played on :Di ran ahead more for this one since i wanted to see what the rest of the fields look like.. instead of my usual staying back and hiding.. i ran off to sneak around the back to get thru the enemy territory ehehhe..
was fun.. not many people actually try to make it around near enemy base =\ so usually was only a few of us sneaking around behind the enemy hehe..
i got a few enemies from behind :D hehehe.. had forgotten how painful paintball can be tho =\
came out with only minor bruises.. 2 big ones on my leg.. but not really visable in winter clothing =P
was buggered.. sore.. and tired after paintball.. but still went to meet up with friends hehe..
got a headache from one of the head shots i got on my temple =\.. so i slept in the car while my friends ran their errands.. hehe ^____^

friends energy drink .. never knew there was a super man one :D

bday dinner with friends ^____^ tepanyaki styles heheh.. prawns grilling above..

before and after.. flambe beef steak... hehe..

scrambled egg...

heheheh.. many thanks to the 2 guys taking it for the team ahhaha.. they had to stick their chins on the table.. arms around each others shoulders.. while the chef just cut n threw egg pieces at them non stop AHAHAHHAHAHAHA..... of course not much of it actually went in their mouthes... most of it hit their eye.. chin.. cheek.. face.. hehehe.. ^______^
also had raw eggs.. bowl of fried rice.. piece of scrambled egg thrown at us to catch =P

lovely message and pic drawn with salt on the grill at the end of the cooking /playing..

cheese cake bday cake =D yumm

random nice pics i took while driving cross bridge :)