friend finally got their long awaited import car :P new from japan hehe.. got to sit in it ^^
got to drive it tooooooooo ^_______^ weeee.. nissan v35.. bit harder to drive compared to mine :) wasnt expecting to be given a chance to drive it tho =P
was happy enough just to sit in it abit.. hehe.. pressed all the buttons.. looked in all the compartments :P hehe
my lovely friends took me out for a day ^___^ few days before my actual birthday :P
a viet brunch.. followed by karaoke in the city.. some skill tester action..

one of them has never been before.. omg they went crazy at the skill testers @_@ spent soo much.. but they did end up getting a bag of 8-9 toys or smth :)
just like gambling :P but u get toys instead of money in return lol.

went for dinner at little snail.

they have a set menu where u can choose an entree, main and dessert for about $50.
not too bad :) was very full after that =P
called up a good friend thats currently in UK for her bday ehhe.. totally surprised her ^____^ miss her heaps :(

meanwhile i was over at friends place before the call.. for massive feast hehe.. every dinner i go there is yum :P

took mum n sis to 'phantom of the opera' :D
was ok.. lots of opera'ish singing where i dont understand it =P
seemed so much cooler wen i saw it many years ago wen i was that much younger =\
i think we had heaps closer seats but.. *Shrug
took mum n sis to hurricanes for dinner too :) since mum never tried it..