cant see it here but its like a small city inside the shoe with all the building structures in white.. and then its lighted from the inside

dragon boating area pics.. quite a nice area with water n that.

random pics

arent these the cutest XD i gotta go get more :P ehe
i was gonna give these to a friend.. but theyre too cute XD so im gonna keep em :P

toys update :D

camper shoes are starting to do these mismatching but matching shoe ranges.. tho this one is in the guys range.. my friend was looking for something like this for the female range.. they didnt have any :(

loooks like this ferris wheel appeared in darling harbour while i was overseas.. was surprised to see it when i came back and happened to walk by.. its really expensive tho :P
friends that have been on it said you dont really get any views from the top cause of all the buildings surrounding the area.. theyve already taken it down now tho

heard about this game some time last year as it is to come out for xbox 360 :D
one of me friends imported the game from overseas for their ps3!!!
so cool.. cant wait till it officially comes out here so my other friends can get it so i can play it more hehe ^___^ comes with guitar, drums, microphone
bags the drums!!

my onizuka tigers :D got the green ones in hk.. black ones from here ^^ i like this style particularly from their range so i thought i could mismatch them :D
i changed the laces on them too so i can mismatch them.. or i can still wear them properly with matching colours :P but the laces will be mismatched ^______^

my friends cute sauce dishes ^___^