so i received a call today from a friend whos car broke down after work on the way home @_@
poor thing.. i sort of had an idea what had happened from what they told me so i was able to tell them how to fix it temporarily to get home.. or what to do with the car (get it towed or not)
i double checked with my friend who knew more about cars then me just to confirm my assumptions :)
my resourceful good friend was able to patch up the broken part all by herself and ask a stranger in the nearest house for water for their car..
wahhhhhhhhhhhh never knew my friend was so resourceful hehe.. didnt come to mind for me.. hehe i wouldnt have been able to go door knocking to get some water so to speak :)
there is a happy ending to this story ^___^
friend got the car home safely so we went out for a nice dinner to de stress heheh :P
yay to my resourceful babe :D hehe

yummo dinner by the way heheh.. the cooked salmon sushi is reaaaaaaaally nice.. its sweet tasting heheh ^___^