this ones an actual acubra one.. so it fits better since they hav sizing
new rubber shoes :D looks ok.. havent worn it long enough to see if they rub tho =\
sis got a cute pair of slip on slipper type in teal hehe
i got all 4!! hheeh.. pink one has wings ^__^ still like the black one tho
new ring from diva.. blinging
2 random cute toys i got from skilltesters
sis new york souvaniers for me!! toki doki shirt ^_______^ eeeeeeee
random kid robot charm things
cute mobile fone string.. its on my work fone now :P
wesc headfones!!! cool pattern.. love the 'bongo' range :)
my toki tee.. my sis got the above one
got these sneakers on sale.. leather.. not bad :D
souvanier from friend back from hk.. of course it was half melted =_=
cute box tho :P
new shoes :D keds
crazy silver shoes in the store @_@ love metallics.. but yea.. these styles i find too chunky for me

silver/gold..@_@ also too chunky :(

me n gf been trying to get these for ages.. too hard :(

speaker bunnies! speaker in the feet, plugs in the butt heheh

random pyrmont wharf :) nice walk

pyrmont park downstairs

i got the white one XD

mini sausages!! hehe

fluffy gloomy bears

went dinner with friends at italian forum.. yummm

mates DIY high tea :)

with mini puffs