yay for long weekend :D
our next one wont be for a few months :(
anyhoo.. so me n my group went to vbar in the city for drinkies to start off the weekend...
one of our other friends were already there with their work colleagues.. and drunk.. since we got there at 9.. and hes been there since 5 :P hehe
anyhoo.. he kept trying to run off to go home.. of course our group wouldnt allow it since we just got there :P hehehe
so 4 of us girls were dancing on the dance floor.. and one guy was keeping an eye on the drunk one so he wouldnt run off home.. and he shoved him in the middle of our dancing circle..
he was still trying to sneak out to leave so we decided we needed some insurance to keep him there.. and started to go through his clothing to get his wallet or something hehehe
have you ever seen 4 girls try to strip a guy?? lol.. was a hilarious sight :P
we were trying to get into his pockets.. take off his jacket.. of course he was trying to keep everything on him..
i somehow got his watch tho :P hehe.. score!!!!
one of the guys came n helped us.. i think he unbuttoned his shirt =____= hahaha..
pretty much the whole shirt except for the last button was undone hehehe..
so drunk one ran off to rebutton his shirt and put his jacket back in order.. he stayed for abit then dissappeared :P
i figured he was beyond remembering since he was quite tipsy/drunk..
he sms'd our guy friend saying he lost his watch after he got home..
i was wearing it :P bwahahha.. 
(dont worry.. im not THAT slack..i did return it the next day :P)
so my 4th uncle was in town for a week.. wow i havent seen him in like 20 years.. but i could still recognise his speech mannerisms hehe.. its very.. peculiar :P anyhoo
he looked heapps older now :P.. as you would after 20yrs..
anyhoo.. we had a family dinner before he went back overseas.. and i happened to bump into my friends gf..
now i havent seen her since last year! and we both were like... u look very familiar!!! lol
so i gave her bf a call.. and they tell me.. they were recently married @_@ wow.. talk about fast lol
im very happy for them tho :D and they moved in together near my area.. at least its closer to me now :P i have to do a catch up with them :D
they will be having their official wedding overseas early next yr :)
they only had a small family only one for the marriage certificate signing here ^___^
so .. we (a small group of us) have planned a new zealand trip to skii in 2 months :D
we've paid all the accomodation and travel stuff.. and so we decided to buy our own ski gear.. ie. clothing..
went around looking for sales.. its still so expensive here =__= .. if i knew earlier i would have gotten it while i was overseas...
anyways.. got the jacket on sale.. and another full price.. but not too expensive :)
checked to make sure its this 10,000MM thing.. which is the waterproof and windproof breathable indicator sort of thing.. they have 5000MM but i hear u still get wet with that..
so now i got some crazy pattern jacket and brown pants.. with suspenders :P great fashion statement right there :P

got some discount thermals from kathmandu shop so all good :)
went for dinner in the city afterwards ^___^ (jap)

some eggplant n duck thing.. with lots of hoysin sauce..
greentea cheesecake

black tea brulee.. yum