2nd time seeing this show :D cheap weekday tickets so i took my gf to go see it hehhe..
loved it the 1st time.. still loving it the 2nd time :)
very funny musical.. awesome colourful costumes.. great stories.. i noticed some of the jokes changed abit too ;) more updated..
love the performers too :) heheh
one bit i remembered the most was where felicity shows up for the first time and he has like 4 backup performers dancing with him which are dressed like angels hehehe.. i remember thinking the 4 performers were hot!! even more so then the main dude ;) hehe.. and its still the same *Sighhh hehehe
i want 4 angels :P
they were also selling cocktails in these lighted plastic cocktail glasses that light up at the bottom with different colours hehe.. lot sof people had them during the break n brought it back into the theatre
sighh.. loved the music.. wanted to sing and dance along with them hehe.. great songs :Dthis time around we were sitting really close to the front.. (3rd row from the front) and it was abit hard to see the whole stage or whats happening if something was going on while the actor was ontop of the bus or smth.. and we couldnt see very well cause the bus was right in our way =\