soo.. we started to go do the dance lessons from broadway dance center :)
i bought bdc track pants.. very nice hehe.. feeling pro :P mainly just baggy sweatpants with bdc printed on it hehe..
hmm been thru times square alot now since the dance studio is near there..lots of lights n billboards in that area @_@

hmm.. checked out all the stores in times square.. mainly alot of touristy stores with ¨i heart new york¨ type shirts.. hmm..might need to go back later to buy some as souvaneirs..
there were a few storebrands ive seen on other peoples blogs so i wanted to check them all out.. as well as ones recommended by friends..
forever 21 - its more like SES in sydney.. and valley girl.. but better stuff..
old navy - looked like a bigger cotton on.. didnt buy anything.. they had alot of basics in heaps of colours
gap - seemed like the older brands in syd.. more mature style
h&m - dissapointed with this one..high expectations i guess..i didnt really find anything clothing wise.. maybe check it out again later.. this store is everywhere!!
been spending alot of time in footlocker..u know..dancers go thru alot of sneakers...also easier towalk around in hehe..
checked out 5th ave yesterday :D
trump tower.. apple store
lots of designer stores as well as a few otheres.. i went nuts in the disney store hehe..souvaneirs!!
lots of designer stores as well as a few otheres.. i went nuts in the disney store hehe..souvaneirs!!
sis bought some stuff at the nba store for her friend whos an nba fan..
checked out nike store and apple store but didnt buy anything..
continued on 5th avenue today. mainly bloomingdales :D its more like DJs in sydney and dfs.. lots of major brands..i got me a big kidrobot black bag hehe.. weee.
man ive been carding alot of stuf lately... =P
hmm my sis n her friend are really into house music..checked out one club downtown last night.. called sin sin
was pretty interesting..some of the major famous house dancers were there too..i dont know who they this is what i heard anyway.. alot of people just watched the pros take turns on the dance floor..
there was this one dude that danced non stop!! hehe.. hes not a pro..but he does have many moves..all quite simple hehe.. could be slow.. or fast.. or jumping up n down..or on the floor he did everything..
was fun night :) nice people too..not sleazy..all there to dance :) went till pretty late heh.. ooo my sore feet.....