started eating pizza alot at the end of the trip hehe. yum

maccas.. theatre styles @_@ mega lighted up

last min sneaker shopping.. glow in the dark sneakers!! but alas.. i did not buy no more :(

ben & jerrys brownie sundae... yummmm

double stuff.. lol.. more cream.. less biscuits in the pack but hehe

interesting.. nice natural yoghurt cafe.. yum.. had it for brekky a few times :D

egg ham cheese omlette sandwich for brekky :D

inside the subway
went to nbc studio tour :D

showed us a 10min video on the history of nbc studios.. started as a radio station before it went to black n white tv then colour tv..
had at look at the set of saturday night live studio..looked smaller
saw a short vid on how the makeup was done.. like alien heads..
went to small newsroom to muck around
took pics at a small news desk with city night lights background
2 volunteers played news broadcaster and weather person hehe.. was funny.. we saw the cues they read too hehe..
weather man had to wave at the general direction of the weather n temps on the green screen hehe..and still deliver the text on the cue hehe..
we were offered tickets to conen obrien show.. but wasnt quick enough to get the tickets..oh well..
went back to macys.. they got new doc martins!! i think they restocked hehe
weeeeeeee soo happy.. i got the black n white ones i been eyeing for aggggges :D

Apple bottom jeans by nelly : like his song..
"apple bottom jeans... boots with the furrrrr"

Jessica Simpson shoes at macys - i like her stuff. but too high heeled for me to wear :(

J-lo sneakers.. they didnt have in my size :( from footaction
Grand Central Station
hmm packed everything.. wasnt too bad luggage wise..
flight was long as =_=
was ok since i slept for 6hrs straight in the 2nd leg of the flight..
good to be home :) wasnt too jetlagged hehe.