looked really cool in the trailers.. hehe.. bout a drunken super hero :D
movie was ok.. not gonna ruin it for u =P was expecting just stupid funny movie bout drunk superhero turning over a new leaf and be liked instead of hated..
it actually had a storyline that wasnt shown in the trailers =)
gotta see it for yourself ^___^
Afterwards we went for some pie n hotdogs at harrys cafe de wheels :D yummo.. bit cold.. but we got thru it =P
then we had a walk around the pier/wharf where the expensive restaurants were.. went thru the hotel there too.. pic of the ceiling..

looked like it used to be a warehouse or smth.. really big.. nicely redone too.. me likey the architectural lines n stuff combining the old with the new :)
on the way back to the car.. this lighted sign was on one of the buildings.. w.t.f.. o_Owe were in like wooloomooloo.. anyways...

afterwards we went to max brenner for some hot choc.. since it was so cold.. but yea.. wait was too long.. tried to go to some other cafe.. but they closed too..
oh well..