the toy my friend ones.. is pretty in silver n white ^_______^ ... cute little tofu's!!

wahaha.. we got 3.. one each ~^_________^~

friend got these 2 bears in flowerpots.. (beats me.. ) and other friend got the jiraffe pencilcase ^_____^

i got this 'how to make felt toys' book cause it looked so cute in the jap book store..
my gf that has left me for UK requested a whale so i made her one before she left.. turned out pretty good =D

a relaxing day on the grass by the water.. in the shade.. under a tree.. lying around.. with food.. heheh

pretty shoes =D good for work or go out i guess ^_____^

Harry's cafe de wheels.. tasted abit plain.. but then the hotdog with the lot is like a meal =P.. too much

a dessert sampler plate.. looks so yum.. but tiny as portions =P was interesting to try everything.. the choc pancake with banana was ok.. so was the pancakes =D

cute mini cans of coke my friend had.. hhehe like the ones u can get on a plane.

some masks from italy i think that my friend got.. ones scary looking.. ones nice looking..
authentic stuff !!

me new booties.. in fashion.. figured i can wear em with jeans too XD
mums gonna complain about my shoe collection again........