Had to go melbourne for work training for 2 days.. had to get up before sunrise to get the first flight down in order to make it there on time =_=" never had to wake up at 5am before....
Traveling time was long.. well not that long.. but it felt long.. flight was quick but the taxi ride to the office was just as long.. things seem to be so spaced apart in melb.

Stayed at the above hotel.. very nice rooms :D interesting tho, it had this plaza attached to the hotel right next door with some restaurants, cafe n cinemas.. really good location :D
There were more restaurants, cafes and small asian supermarkets behind the hotel too.. whole street of it.
Got to catch up with an old uni friend i hadnt seen in years ^_________^ very happy about that..
must go back to shop :P
may need to go to melb again for work .. cant wait to see my friend again :)