went to thai-natown near world square for lunch - quite nice.. very filling - then had a walk around up to kinokuniya where i saw this figurine =D cute ;)

we then headed to darling harbour and had a look in Glue Store then checked out the Jazz & Blues festival.. was nice n sunny.. then we saw the dark clouds heading our way =( noooo...
walked down through to chinatown.. checked out the cd store, not much there =\ then headed to capital square 'Passionflower' for some coffee n ice cream =D
but first i wanted to check out the stuff toy machines upstairs where ive been seeing people get those mario mushroom toys XD
very colourful =P
MASSIVE mushroom @_@
then we headed to passionflower downstairs for coffee/icecream etc ^__^
tubby was glad to be able to sit down =P
saw some guy walk by with the massive mushroom as pictured above @_@ every1 stopped to watch him walk past holding that thing
........................ i want T_T ...................
anyhoo... me and bestie have been trying to get tubby to exercise more ;) lazy bugger =P
the only exercise tubby gets is walking to and from the car =P
after that it was getting dark so we headed home ^____^
oh oh and they got me a very thoughtful pressent heheh =P just wat i needed for my new drumkit ;)
the perfect gift =P they know me so well =P
i gave them a little hint beforehand..
something along the lines of "get me headfones for my drumkit please" heheheh =P
Thanks guys!!! love u both =P heheh
*mwaaaaaaaaaaaa* =P