Eventful day though not much turnout.. still fun though :)
started with Masterclass with the Cheeky food group company.
They showed us how to chop up food like pros.. so at least we look professional hehe..
had drinks as well.. cooked as we learned.. pretty much was our lunch :P
did 2 wraps.. pretty nice.. one with brie cheese, sliced pears, capsicum.. and then pan fried while it was already wrapped up.
then we made some duck salad (yum), flambe prawns.. some got to flambe with some help hehe
great for pics

Then we headed to drumming lessons.. each had a drum each to whack on with our hands.. gets pretty noisy.. and my hands started to hurt after awhile.. hehe.. mainly follow the main drummers
we got diff sized plastic cylendars to whack on too.. which gave out diff sounds depending on the length of the stick.
then we headed out to a park nearby for team building activities n games
split in to teams of 5/6 people.. then we play each group in diff activities..
the ones i thought were interesting were the inflatiable arenas hehe
Human foozball!

the elastics really restrict how far u can go tho.. i kept belting the ball out of the area =_=
olympic obstacle course!

loved this! lot sof bouncing tho.. and slipping..
harder then it looks.. but i got used to it and can run the course faster :D
had to jump thru one of the 2 holes in the start
then through/under/over the horizontal poles.. over a small hill.. through the tunnel
over the big hill then down the slide :D
we had usual get changed.. drinks.. then dinner too :) then an after party at a bar in the hotel where we held the activities with african drummers and dancers performing
good day :)