had a girlfriends birthday last weekend..
we all went to a japanese all you can eat buffet at $50 a head.
then you can order anything from the menu.. man.. 2 of the guys went through like 30 servings of ox tongue :P crazy lol
was nice n smokey in there when we got in.. cause of all the bbq's running.. lol.. it was quite foggy in there.
after we stuffed ourselves full.. we went back to girlfriends apartment to play games and drink.
1st game we played looked interesting hehe..
one of the couples made cards and had plastic cap guns as part of the game hehe.. looked interesting
so everyone has 7 cards..
4 had "...click..." written on it so they are like shooting blanks
2 had "bang" written on it so that means u fired a shot
1 had "bang bang bang" which means its a quick shot.. it gets priority over bang
so everyone chooses the card the want to use.. put it facedown on the table. .
then on the count of 3.. everyone points their cap gun at whoever they want to shoot.
then they have the count of 3 to surrender if they choose to.
if you surrender you get a 'chicken' badge.. which is like -$5000 each badge
each round has a random amount of money in the pot .. winners or people still alive get the share of the pot.
if you are shot 3 times then you are dead and out of the game.
when the cards are revealed.. 'bang bang bang' gets priority of killing.. unless the person surrendered
if 2 people had their guns at each other.. one had 'bang' and the other had 'bang bang bang' then 'bang bang bang' gets priority so the other person is dead first and yourself is safe.
then they added some special cards.. made the game more complex.. forget what they are now :P
there was like 'slow draw' or 'slow deal' cards where you can be the last person to draw a card or last to point the gun at someone after you seen where everyone else is pointing theirs.
there was also a 'shield' where if you had 3 people pointing a gun at you.. if they all shot you, the card shields you so you can only get shot once.. as apposed to 3 times.
anyways.. was a good game hehe

another game we played was werewolf!!
its an iphone app.
Quick setup by pulling names and photos directly from your contact list.
Optional special characters like the Seer, the Vigilante, the Protector, and the Innocent Lovers.
Villager passwords to prevent anyone from seeing your secret role.
Timed rounds with warning bells as the round-end approaches.
An emailable post-game report that describes what everyone did on each turn
Quick setup by pulling names and photos directly from your contact list.
Optional special characters like the Seer, the Vigilante, the Protector, and the Innocent Lovers.
Villager passwords to prevent anyone from seeing your secret role.
Timed rounds with warning bells as the round-end approaches.
An emailable post-game report that describes what everyone did on each turn
How To Play
In Werewolf, the primary activity is talking. You may talk as much as you’d like during all phases of the game, and you are never required to tell the truth. However, once you’ve been eliminated from the game, you must not talk to any of the remaining players or participate in the game in any way.
Game Phases
The game is divided into Nighttime and Daytime phases. During each Nighttime phase, you’ll pass the iPhone or iPod touch around the circle of players, and each player will perform one secret action. You may talk as much as you’d like during this phase of the game, but when it’s your turn, you’re not allowed to show the screen to any other player.
After everyone has taken a turn, the entire group will find out who, if anyone, died during the night. Then the Daytime phase begins. Now the group must decide whom to lynch, if anyone. To vote to lynch a player, point at that player and raise your other hand. You may change your vote or stop pointing at any time, but as soon as more than half of the players in the game are pointing at one player, you must lynch that player. Alternatively, if more than half of the players agree, you may end the Daytime round without lynching anyone.
The game continues with alternating Nighttime and Daytime rounds, until either all of the Werewolves have been killed, at which point the remaining innocents win, or the Werewolves equal or outnumber the innocents, at which point the remaining Werewolves win. At the end of the game, you’ll be presented with an emailable post-game report.
On the first night of the game, you’ll find out whether you’re a Werewolf, an Innocent Villager, or one of the other special characters. On all successive nights, you’ll perform a special action based on your character.
Werewolf—If you’re the last Werewolf to act, you’ll choose an innocent player to kill. That player will be dead in the morning, unless a Protector intervenes. If you’re not the last Werewolf to act, you’ll suggest a player to kill, and your suggestion will be reported to the following Werewolves. Since each Nighttime phase begins with a random player, sometimes you’ll be the last Werewolf to act, and sometimes you won’t.
Innocent Villager—You have no special Nighttime action. Instead, you’ll be asked to guess who you think is most likely to be a Werewolf. Your guesses will be displayed in the post-game report.
Seer—Each night, you’ll choose a player, and the program will tell you whether or not that player is a Werewolf. You’re allowed to announce your finding immediately, but this increases your chances of getting killed by a Werewolf.
Vigilante—Each night, you’ll optionally choose to shoot a player. If you do so, that player will be dead in the morning, unless a Protector intervenes.
Protector—Each night, you’ll choose a player to protect. That player cannot be killed by a Werewolf or a Vigilante that night.
Innocent Lover—You know who your partner Lovers are, and if one of you dies, you’ll all die. Like an Innocent Villager, you have no special Nighttime action. Instead, you’ll be asked to guess who you think is most likely to be a Werewolf. Your guesses will be displayed in the post-game report.
In Werewolf, the primary activity is talking. You may talk as much as you’d like during all phases of the game, and you are never required to tell the truth. However, once you’ve been eliminated from the game, you must not talk to any of the remaining players or participate in the game in any way.
Game Phases
The game is divided into Nighttime and Daytime phases. During each Nighttime phase, you’ll pass the iPhone or iPod touch around the circle of players, and each player will perform one secret action. You may talk as much as you’d like during this phase of the game, but when it’s your turn, you’re not allowed to show the screen to any other player.
After everyone has taken a turn, the entire group will find out who, if anyone, died during the night. Then the Daytime phase begins. Now the group must decide whom to lynch, if anyone. To vote to lynch a player, point at that player and raise your other hand. You may change your vote or stop pointing at any time, but as soon as more than half of the players in the game are pointing at one player, you must lynch that player. Alternatively, if more than half of the players agree, you may end the Daytime round without lynching anyone.
The game continues with alternating Nighttime and Daytime rounds, until either all of the Werewolves have been killed, at which point the remaining innocents win, or the Werewolves equal or outnumber the innocents, at which point the remaining Werewolves win. At the end of the game, you’ll be presented with an emailable post-game report.
On the first night of the game, you’ll find out whether you’re a Werewolf, an Innocent Villager, or one of the other special characters. On all successive nights, you’ll perform a special action based on your character.
Werewolf—If you’re the last Werewolf to act, you’ll choose an innocent player to kill. That player will be dead in the morning, unless a Protector intervenes. If you’re not the last Werewolf to act, you’ll suggest a player to kill, and your suggestion will be reported to the following Werewolves. Since each Nighttime phase begins with a random player, sometimes you’ll be the last Werewolf to act, and sometimes you won’t.
Innocent Villager—You have no special Nighttime action. Instead, you’ll be asked to guess who you think is most likely to be a Werewolf. Your guesses will be displayed in the post-game report.
Seer—Each night, you’ll choose a player, and the program will tell you whether or not that player is a Werewolf. You’re allowed to announce your finding immediately, but this increases your chances of getting killed by a Werewolf.
Vigilante—Each night, you’ll optionally choose to shoot a player. If you do so, that player will be dead in the morning, unless a Protector intervenes.
Protector—Each night, you’ll choose a player to protect. That player cannot be killed by a Werewolf or a Vigilante that night.
Innocent Lover—You know who your partner Lovers are, and if one of you dies, you’ll all die. Like an Innocent Villager, you have no special Nighttime action. Instead, you’ll be asked to guess who you think is most likely to be a Werewolf. Your guesses will be displayed in the post-game report.
heheh of course with some stupid friends.. this game was funny.. we had one villager that was always on the werewolfs side instead of helping us villages :P
so he got killed off alot.. no matter what his role is.. lol