a party game we played on christmas :D
with a few drinks.. :P
starts with everyone in the group with a piece of paper and a pen.
in each round of this game, one player makes up a question of their choice. All questions start out "in my opinion..." the other players must answer the question as if you were the person who asked the question. The reader then secretly votes on the answer they like best. After that each player reads out their answers and everyone gets to bets with their chips on which answer they think the reader selected has the best answer (that the reader would have picked)
you score as the selecter by having other people vote for the answer you choose. if you answered the question you receive points by either betting on the correct answer, or by writing the best answer.
we had some funny questions as well as some creative answers.
winner being the most creative :P
from memory:
- in my opinion, if you were to kill someone, what would be the first thing you do next?
+ winning answer was: whip the body with a belt, chop it to pieces.. then feed it to the pigs
- in my opinion if i were to find a magic genie but i was not allowed to wish for wishes, the first thing i would say is?
+ winning answer: wish for more genies XD
+ close 2nd answer: no shit???!!
- in my opinion the best childhood dream would be?
+be like mother teresa (o_O most were like no wayy.. but it was chosen cause it was different)
some past ones i heard my friends had with this game were:
- in my opinion the bigest thing that can fit up my arse is?
+ the statue of liberty (lol)
+ durian