yum cha
so we tried out the chinese restaurant for yumcha in st george rsl
new place apparently.
they had these machines that scan your drivers licence and issue you a ticket with your name printed on it.. from the licence. saved us from having to sign in i guess.
anyhoo.. theres this one trolley lady that goes around calling everyone 'good looking' kind of thing.. like .. boys and girls.. and the trolley ladies there are quite pushy too..
they kept recomending other dishes to sell to us.. @_@
once we sat down.. and one trolley came to us.. 3 others just flew in to get us to order more food too... =_=
anyways.. the lady that calls everyone 'good looking' she was trying to sell a 'special' new dish to us.. and was focusing one of my friends.. she even said but he is 'really good looking' and he accepted the dish.... =___=""
bahhaha.. then he copped alot of shit stirring from us after that :P
his gf even helped him ask the lady what her name was hehee.. and so we got her name and started calling her by name hehee..
every time the lady came over she would stay to chat.. hahaha.. she mentioned she had a daughter our age @_@ hahaha.. wow.. setup already?
we teased him saying maybe shes just saying she has a daughter but she really doesnt.. hehe just to get him in her house :P from there the jokes got pretty bad too hhehe..
she mentioned she was over 60 n retired.. our friend told her he thought she looked young to be retired.. =_= omggg.. we were all thinking like.. stop right there..
haha.. hes totally picking her up now :P hehehe
Monday, August 31, 2009
Inglorious Basterds

one of my friends wanted to see this. so our whole gropu went since we didnt have anything better to do :P
ive heard of the director but i dont think ive seen his films?
its quite.. violent.. lots of slicing and shooting =\
other then that there were some interesting characters. was an ok random movie for me as i had no expectations.
its about americans stopping the war against the nazi's
Sunday, August 23, 2009
kids Movies :P

great story as its about these 2 kids that get moved from foster parent to foster parent.. and how they create a home for all these abandoned dogs and create their own family :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
more stuff
sigh.. latest splurges :P
mens transformer hoody jacket :D
mens cube hoody :D
cute character from swarofski.. i got the charm :)
unite day 2009
Company unite day - a yearly team building day
This year it was at Manly beach. Mainly indoors tho.. we used the event rooms in the hotel there. Usually its an overnight thing but because of cost cuts ours was just a day thing.
A ferry was organised to go to manly from the city, i had a lift so we drove there.
Everyone turned up in their company polo shirts :D
1st team building event, we got to know the MC and he had an interesting skill of reading peoples handwriting.
This was interesting as he could tell what traits you would have as a person depending on how you wrote a sentence and signed your name.
we then had to find hand shaking partners.. see if youre the type to pump the handshake once, twice or 3 times.
i was a 2 pump person and found a colleague to partner up with.
then we filled in a short answer/question paper and had our polaroid taken to attach to our form.
this was then stuck around the room.
Next was lunch on the beach :) small lunchboxes were provided.. hehe looked funny seeing everyone lined up on the beach :P

This year it was at Manly beach. Mainly indoors tho.. we used the event rooms in the hotel there. Usually its an overnight thing but because of cost cuts ours was just a day thing.
A ferry was organised to go to manly from the city, i had a lift so we drove there.
Everyone turned up in their company polo shirts :D
1st team building event, we got to know the MC and he had an interesting skill of reading peoples handwriting.
This was interesting as he could tell what traits you would have as a person depending on how you wrote a sentence and signed your name.
we then had to find hand shaking partners.. see if youre the type to pump the handshake once, twice or 3 times.
i was a 2 pump person and found a colleague to partner up with.
then we filled in a short answer/question paper and had our polaroid taken to attach to our form.
this was then stuck around the room.
Next was lunch on the beach :) small lunchboxes were provided.. hehe looked funny seeing everyone lined up on the beach :P

look like school kids at an excursion.
we had 2 birthdays too.. big cake was organised.. choc.. sponge hehe..
and the MC smushed both guys faces into half of the cake :P hehehe

wow never seen that before hahahah..
we got to divide up and share the other half of the cake :P
Part 2 of the team building activities.. we started with an X or Y game.
Wasnt a very good team building game =\ pretty much the aim is to win.. and you trick and lie your way into winning =\
me n my handshake partner won this hehe :P i think we lied our way to the top.. =_= i didnt really do much.. he did all the decisions hehe.. but i saw where he was going :P
next was the build a tower that withstands tornados with straws and sticky tape =P
we failed that one lol
and then there was the fun bit :)
these bikes were then donated to the smith family kids.. so cool

there were a few teary eyes..
kids came in with numbers corresponding to the bikes built for them.. there were small kids ones and large adult ones made :)

a great cause.. we had fundraising during the night to contribute more to the smith family also.. so this would not be a one off thing
we then had 2 hour break.. where i was watching my 3 female colleagues do their makeup and get ready together :P
we had predinner drinks where we got to check out everyones costumes hehehe..
we had a harry potter person!!

a pedofile flasher.. complete with long trenchcoat half open to show his nude top half.. :P
my manager looked cute in his just-fit school blazer and cadet hat on the side lol
we had a few teachers, professors

lots of school kids.. tho everyone didnt look that diff to me cause collared shirts n ties are similar to work clothes anyway :)

father in his kids school uniform.. pretty good :D hahah

father in his kids school uniform.. pretty good :D hahah
my good friend at work was the only rebel there lol.. with chainbelt, miniskirt, yellow tights with fishnets and suspenders over it.. blue doc martins.. and a checkered black/white tie heheh
we had a buffet dinner.. with raffle tickets.. auctions.. trivia.. people who got the right answer for trivia got 2 bottles of wine or champagne.. in the end my manager just took the box hahaha
most left at dinner =\ since we had to make our own way home.
was an ok day.
school skirt one colleague had made.. very cute :D love the colour
best costume award??
my tables trivia group hehe.. we stayed so we can win more bottles of wine :P
catch up

cute!! not sure if it opens up to something tho..

one of our pommy soccer loving managers bday :) milestone!
massive jersey cake hehe.. home made by one of our other colleauges :)

his desk decorated :P

had a catchup with 2 friends i hadnt seen since the car club days @_@
well one i saw at friends wedding.. but u get what i mean :P
we went to watch transformers while waiting for one of the guys car windows to be tinted down teh road..
then went to lunch at balvarian beer cafe in para
they renovated a church for the restaurant!! pretty cool :)

got to check out my friends newish car.. they had an xbox controller in the arm rest in the back seat :P
hehe.. if i found it.. can i take it?? :P
had another catch up with 2 girls i havent seen in ages also..
had dinner in a cafe near parra westfield.. then went coffee on church st.
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