Went away for a weekend with some people i play soccer with. Stayed at this nice beachside house. Can sleep 12 people. Its literally in front of the beach ie. theres a walkway then bushes then its the beach! nice =D

The beach up front from the house is quite big too.. from our after drinks midnight strolls, we walked the beach every night we were there but didnt seem to reach the end of it, before we had to head back to the house.
2nd day we drove 20mins away to another secluded beach. This place is located in a national park.
There was also a walking that some of the others wanted to do, but yea.. didnt get to it since every1 was buggered from lack of sleep.. too busy having fun at the beach XD

I've forgotten that Jervis Bay is well known for its white sand.. and yea.. boy was the sand white =P was very pretty there ^_______^ had fun just hanging around checking out the view.. some took a dip.. some went climbing on the rocks as well..kicked a soccerball around..
there were some dirty sand sculptures .. to say the least =P and some artistic ones like the above :)
If you can see it in the above pic, thats meant to be a sand drawing of a whale.. its sideways from this angle XD
There were some really nice shots taken as well as one of the guys brought along their SLR professional cameras. i like the above pic ^__________^
There was alot of drinking involved every night.. lots of group shots drinking @_@
I think we had finished most of the alcomohol on the first night and brought abit more for the 2nd.. in the end i think we finished everything pretty good :P
There was also some game playing: (we had a ps2 and an xbox 360)
Blockus - interesting game =D
Fifa =_="
Rainbow 6
and not much sleep =_=" people staying up late after drinkies then others getting up early because they were used to getting up for work etc.
Had bbq food for lunch and dinner most of the time.. alot of meat etc =P breakfast u had to do urself.. heaps of eggs n bacon =D
sick of bbq stuff after that weekend lol
all in all an interesting weekend XD
missing the beach time already =(