Sunday, July 22, 2007
Shanked XD
headed the ball twice ^_______^
shanked 2 guys heheh =P 1 guy twice hehehe =P
shanked being getting the ball away from the others which may include tripping up lol
weeeeeeeeeeeee XD
played good hehe.. got stepped on twice as well tho.. and kicked in the shins =\
ran around more n got to kick the ball more XD
first dude that got shanked ended up on the floor =P tho i didnt realise it till after i got the ball away then turned back around lol
hehe.. all good fun.. had my own cheer squad too heheeheheh =D
gooooooooo meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!
water views
was in balmain in a park near the water to watch friends soccer match.. went to check out
the water views n that.. quite nice =D
took some car shots while i was there lol =P
Random stuff

Had yumcha with friends.. hehe.. yummm..
one trolley lady went past saying 'pork spare ribs' but we didnt really hear it that well.. i was like what? "something belly??" my friend next to me heard 'berry'.. and another guy heard "pot belly" lol
then another guy was like.. what did she say?? she say 'spandex'??? ROFL he insisted that it was close to 'pork spare ribs'... we cracked up laughing and then he let it go =P rofl
went korean bbq for dinner with friends i havent caught up with in awhile.. we had a buffet style one where its a set price per head then order wat u want.. hehe ice cream was part of it too XD noiice
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Order of the Phoenix
so i saw it the 2nd day it was out with some of my work colleagues =P
not too bad.. great graphics.. some good magic fights and characters
lol was funny to see/hear the whole cinema react together at some scenes.. laughing at silly jokes and oooooo'ing at the romantic scene ;)
this one wasn't as long as the other movies.. i'd forgotten wat the book was about so this movie sort of helped me remember bits n pieces of the book. been a while since i last read them =P
not a bad movie =)
now waiting on the simpsons movie =P hehe
Thursday, July 12, 2007
soccer practice
lol heaps fun ^______^
didnt get to work up a sweat since i stayed back n played defence more tho =P
blocked 1 shot.. passed 1 shot hehe.. got a few 'good tinny's from team mates XD
*pats self on head* hehe
lots of yelling going around tho lol
one dude yelling out another dudes name.. over n over really loudly.. even tho that dude may not have the ball anymore =P rofl
lots of grabbing n holding the dude with the ball back .. like 2 ganging up on the dude with the ball to get him away from the ball lol
another dude was tryign their intimidation skills lol..
yelling at whoever has the ball on the opposite team to confuse them into kicking the ball to them lol
one dude stopped cause he ran thru a puddle and didnt know it.. got soaked =P then after that got teased XD 'the puddles behind u!! its gonna get u'! rofl
lots of swearing etc as usual.. lol very fun game =D i spent most of it just laughing at wat the others were yelling out XD
not much confidence in playing at the moment since im not sure wat im supposed to be doing =P hence playing defence n staying back =P will be working on it ;)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Transform~ and.. roll out
i went.. i saw... it rocked XD
went to watch The Transformers Movie in gold class XD very noice at gold class =D love the reclining chairs too hehe.. can soo sleep there *dreaming*
anyhoo, i've never watched the cartoon series myself so i dont hav a clue wat the story is besides just knowing the main good guy and bad guys names =P
was quite good =D loved how they do the transform thingy XD
lots of action and fight scenes.. reminded me abit of 'black hawk down' since they had army guys n stuff like that too =)
then we have some er... geekier friends =P who cant stop relating all normal day stuff to transformers after the movie.. and running out to buy transformer gear like the pic below =P
hehe wish i had a car like bumblebee =P hehehe
3 thumbs up!! XD